Welcome to Manga Junkie.
Hello! I'm glad to see you here at Megan Junkie, which is kind of like my personal junk drawer. My name is Megan Yamanaka, but you can call me Reili. If you'd like to see my art and writing portfolio, please go to inked. This site is less of a portfolio and more of a blog—which can be accessed here! The site's still kind of floundering around because we're way under construction but hopefully it'll all be up soon!
09/17:Testing out the php for this site - let's hope it work, yeah?
Pages Added: This is a new page! This is a new page! This is a new page! This is a new page! This is a new page! This is a new page! This is a new page!
Pages Updated: This is a page update! This is a page update! This is a page update! This is a page update! This is a page update! This is a page update! This is a page update!