a dream is a wish your heart makes

Contact Reili

If you've come to this page, you must want to contact Reili. There are several ways to do this! You could, of course, use the form provided below - but if that doesn't work (and it might not) then you can email her directly at hello[at]meganyamanaka.com! If you don't like email, you could skype her at gaysballplz. If you don't have skype and you don't like email, try AIM (kisforkurama XP) or MSN (megasuperhappyme@hotmail) or even GoogleTalk (reiligotbawls). :) There's lots of options, don't be shy! Reili doesn't bite . . . hard.


You've reached Manga Junkie! It's part blog and part portfolio, with a little bit of everything else thrown in. If you'd like to learn more about Reili, check the Reili page. If you'd like to learn more about Manga Junkie in general, check the About page. Feel free to contact Reili if anything doesn't work correctly.